Dear visitor, as you might notice, this is a post was created at least 9 year ago.
The website that was selling this content might long dead, or might have changed it's links.
I leave these posts online for reference purposes, because i'm legally required or because some of them still kinda work 🙂 (some movies or pictures might still actually load)
clicking links or banners in this post is probably a waste of time... they're going nowhere!
Dear visitor,
I must appologize for the way my blog worked over the last week. I took my family out for a holliday in a cabin in the woods (no internet) and in the meantime my webhost changed the way they handle the software i use for this blog (i must have missed their notice for this change).
Because of this change, all linking of my blog was disabled for almost 7 days. It didn't matter which page you wanted to surf to, you always ended up at my homepage.
The problem is now fixed, and i will make sure the quality of my posts stays high, and i'll make sure i'll update this blog at least twice a day!
I hope to win back your trust, and since this is a free service anyways, i hope you'll bookmark my page again 😉