Dear visitor, as you might notice, this is a post was created at least 9 year ago.
The website that was selling this content might long dead, or might have changed it's links.
I leave these posts online for reference purposes, because i'm legally required or because some of them still kinda work 🙂 (some movies or pictures might still actually load)
clicking links or banners in this post is probably a waste of time... they're going nowhere!
Some of you guys might have noticed a new banner at the bottom of this blog… It's a link to Ikojo3D
I'm featuring them today (and i'll feature them again in a little while) because i really like what there guys are doing!
- They have a truely unique structure… you can join for FREE, and watch a lot of preview movies…
- When you join for free, you get 5 free credits, so the first full movie can be downloaded at half price (in the future, there even might be a movie for 5 credits)
- they have a strict no-spam policy.
- you can become a VIP member for a fixed price, or join for free and watch free trailers…. If you like them you only have to pay for the movies you download (to keep)
- It's all REAL 3D!!! for 3D tv, nvidia, polarised, shutter glasses….
- you can still download them in red/cyan anaglyph
- They have a shop where you can buy all the 3D equipment you'll ever need for a mild price.
- 3D POV porn, feel what i'm talking about here???
So check them out, and join for free… in my opnion, you have nothing to lose 😉